Collection: Rose Quartz Material for making jewelry beads necklace

Rose Quartz 

Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most popular crystals and is very easy to come by.

It is the stone of unconditional love, comes in shades of beautiful pink, and is versatile enough to be made into jewelry, talismans, artifacts, and ornaments.

Some pieces are large enough to be fashioned into tables and chairs. Small chippings of the raw mineral are often threaded onto yarn or wire to form inexpensive bracelets and necklaces.

The Meaning Of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is, above all else, the stone of love and relationships, which may account for its popularity.

it is a universal healing stone versatile in its physical and metaphysical applications. Its vibration is nurturing, gentle, comforting, and reassuring.

It also carries a peaceful resonance that many people find soothing in times of emotional upset.

The fresh colors of this wonderful crystal make it a firm favorite for homemade beauty products such as spritzes and elixirs to cleanse the skin.